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The Unloop Game Theory

Everything is a mess today, the planet we live in and ourselves. Its funny how the more thing we have, the weirder its getting. It’s the opposite of how things were back in the day around a 100 years ago, when we didn't have the kind of access to anything. In fact we didn't have anything and that made us feel miserable. Here we are today, having everything we would ever need and we still feel the same misery.

This comes to prove that no matter the abundance or scarcity, we suffer the same fate and happiness has nothing to do with any of these things. If it was that way, we wouldn't be in this miserable place.

In a strange way, the planet is signalling the same feelings that we're also experiencing. Things are going extreme. Extreme heat, cold and rains on the planet, air is getting polluted beyond repair and most of us are experiencing extreme mental health issues.

There is a reason why us and our planet is going through the same fate at the same time. We're intricately connected. When we suffer, the planet suffers and when the planets suffer, we suffer. It is because we're destroying our home. We're destroying our mind and body - our first home and the planet our second home.

If we don't see what we're doing and stop it, it'll be the end to both our homes. Humanity and planet earth will get wiped out. Why do you think they want to go to mars? Because things are getting unsustainable here.

Now we know about the intensity of climate extremes. We're learning the extent of the existential threats posed by climate change and ecological destruction the hard way.

We're also learning the extent of existential threats posed by our own consumption habits and lifestyle the hard way.

When we change, the planet changes. When we stay the same, the planet reciprocates because we're our planet.

It's time we take it back to the fundamentals. Mother Nature is the fundamental basis of our existence. Without nature, we don't exist. when there is pleasure, there will be pain of the same amount. This is the law of nature. You cannot change the law, only understand it and change yourself.

The new shall find the new. For a world where new pains in the form of anxiety and depression are almost second nature, a part of everyday life for many people, a new solution beckons. But the solution must be unique to the times.

There have been times before with the same problems and there have always been problems from the beginning of the human race. But there have also been solutions to all problems. Where do these solutions come from? The same place they have always come from - Within us.

Humans have ruled this planet for a long time now. They have become masters at creating technology and infrastructure to a point where anything necessary and unnecessary can be instantly found by doing a simple search. Everyday you search for all the various things you want to know about, to solve many problems. You find solutions to most of your problems by searching on google, the world wide web and now you ask ChatGPT and other AI service providers for solutions.

But why haven’t you found solutions, a permanent fix to your realest problems? Isn’t anxiety, depression, ADHD and other mental health issues the most important problem to be searched about constantly? Isn’t this what everyone should do? Find a permanent solution to the realest and greatest problem that has ever existed in the history of the human race? Shouldn’t you have found the solution by now? Instead, why is it that all you still do is try and cope with the problem?

There are many solutions providers that try to solve the greatest problem of the times, but none have been successful. But they try nevertheless to provide some comfort through what we call coping mechanisms, which are but temporary fixes and nothing permanent. But are you just going to cope with these problems for the rest of your life? How long can you go on this way? Isn’t it high time now for a permanent solution, a one-stop fix to this? YES, IT IS TIME. But the solution is not another coping mechanism, not another temporary fix. This time, you must conquer.

The real solution to the realest problems - The Attention Spandemic and The Mental Health Crisis, that most of the world faces is not another coping mechanism, it is a conquering mechanism. To cope is to manage something. To conquer is to understand it deeply. To understand it deeply is to realize how it works and to realize how it works is to be fully aware of all its processes.

But the real question is, what are you going to conquer? Is it anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD or some other mental health issue that needs to be conquered? The answer is simple - none of the above. The real problem is not any of these. The real problem hides in plain sight. It is the reason why we go through anxiety, depression and other mental health issues in the first place. It is your system that is the real problem. You’re not trying to cope with anxiety, depression, PTSD or ADHD, you’re trying to cope with your own system.

So the real solution is to conquer your system by understanding it deeply by realizing how it works by being fully aware of all its processes. But from what perspective? Should it be from the point of view of psychology or neuroscience? Should you use the might of AI to come up with a solution, a conquering mechanism for the human system? The answer is the same again - None of the above. They can only find temporary solutions for anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. They cannot find a solution for the system.

There needs to be another way of solving the greatest problem of the human race, using another point of view, a whole new perspective. That is exactly what we intend to teach. What you’ll learn from us is the means to conquer the greatest problem and be done with it once and for all, so you can live in peace and create the life you truly wish to live.

That is why we have created the unloop game theory where we've solve for the attention spandemic and the mental health crisis using the lens of physics x yoga x game mechanics.